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《梓川 いゔどっと しゅーず Sou luz》の5人が歌う「僕たちは夜な夜な」の新曲リリース&MV公開!を英語にすると



[画像1: https://prtimes.jp/i/22435/732/resize/d22435-732-dccb5e4ae5388ceb121f-0.png ]


in English / The 5 members of Aizawa, Avdot, Shuz, Sou and Luz have released a new song "We are night after night" and the music video is now available!

[Libre Co., Ltd.]
[Image1: https://prtimes.jp/i/22435/732/resize/d22435-732-dccb5e4ae5388ceb121f-0.png ]

"僕たちは夜な夜な" (commonly known as "僕よな") is a collaborative empathy drama content featuring Vocaloid producers, singers, and voice actors. The characters...


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