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他社留学、プロボノ活動を通じて⾃律型キャリア形成を⽀援、 ⼀般社団法⼈プロティアン・キャリア協会と業務提携を英語にすると



[画像1: https://prtimes.jp/i/28611/43/resize/d28611-43-de55f54675a51632bfcd-0.png ]


in English / Through cooperation with the general incorporated association Protean Career Association, we support the formation of self-directed careers through studying abroad at other institutions and pro bono activities.

[Essence Co., Ltd.]
[Image 1: https://prtimes.jp/i/28611/43/resize/d28611-43-de55f54675a51632bfcd-0.png ]

**■ Background of Business Partnership**
・Forming an individual's proactive and autonomous career through cross-border experiences encountering other industries and different fields.


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