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[画像: https://prtimes.jp/i/23448/297/resize/d23448-297-9dcbcb482cac8d4646ee-0.jpg ]


in English / "Sanpiku" from Kitasanriku - Online event to consider the development of 6th-order goods and the dissemination of the charm of the region, to be held on December 14th.

[H-TAS Corporation]
[Image: https://prtimes.jp/i/23448/297/resize/d23448-297-9dcbcb482cac8d4646ee-0.jpg ]

From Tokyo, Jun Fujiori, the representative of the joint company Production Michi Company, who moved to Kamaishi City in Iwate Prefecture, said, "We need to emphasize the importance of revitalizing the North Sanriku region more."


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