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国連総会の緊急特別会合 ガザ地区の停戦求める決議案採決へ




in English

Regarding the situation in the Gaza Strip in Palestine, an emergency special session of the United Nations General Assembly has begun, and a resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire for humanitarian purposes will soon be voted on. Resolutions of the General Assembly, in which all UN member states can participate, are considered to represent the consensus of the international community, and the outcome of the vote is eagerly awaited.

in Germany

In Germany, an emergency special session of the UN General Assembly has begun regarding the situation in the Gaza Strip in Palestine, and a vote on a resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire for humanitarian purposes will soon take place. Resolutions of the General Assembly, in which all UN member states can participate, are considered to represent the consensus of the international community, and the outcome of the vote is being closely watched.


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