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in English

The market for smartphone apps continues to expand, driven in part by the increasing popularity of online games. The tax reform outline for the next fiscal year, decided on the 14th by the ruling Liberal Democratic and Komei parties, includes a policy to introduce a new system that imposes the obligation to pay consumption tax on the revenue from overseas app providers on the companies operating "app stores" such as major IT firms, rather than on the app developers. This is aimed at addressing the imbalance between domestic and overseas businesses regarding consumption tax.

in Germany

The market for smartphone apps continues to expand, driven in part by the increasing popularity of online games. The outline of next year's tax system revision, decided on the 14th by the ruling Liberal Democratic and Komeito parties, includes a new policy to impose the obligation to pay consumption tax on the sales of overseas app providers on the operating companies of "app stores" such as IT giants, rather than on the app vendors themselves. This is aimed at resolving the imbalance between domestic and overseas businesses regarding consumption tax.


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