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[画像1: https://prtimes.jp/i/12759/3325/resize/d12759-3325-7e96665c678d04fccf0a-0.jpg ]

動画『クチュリエたいそう』LESSON1.首・肩のたいそう はこちら>>

in English / Couturier, a seller of handmade kits, has released a video of stretching exercises for the neck and shoulders as part of "Couturier Exercise" lesson 1, to make handicrafts even more enjoyable.

[画像1: https://prtimes.jp/i/12759/3325/resize/d12759-3325-7e96665c678d04fccf0a-0.jpg ]

**Video "Couturier Exercise" LESSON 1: Neck and Shoulder Exercises**
**Watch it here >>**


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