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北朝鮮が弾道ミサイルの可能性のあるもの発射 EEZ外に落下か




in English

The Ministry of Defense announced that a potential ballistic missile was launched from North Korea. The Ministry of Defense is currently working on collecting information to determine if there is any impact on Japan. According to officials from the Ministry of Defense, the potential ballistic missile launched from North Korea is believed to have landed outside of Japan's Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). It is reported that the Ministry of Defense does not have plans to hold a press conference or any other response at this time.

in Germany

The Ministry of Defense announced that a possible ballistic missile was launched from North Korea. The ministry is continuing to gather information to determine if there is any impact on Japan. According to a source from the Ministry of Defense, it is believed that the possible ballistic missile launched from North Korea fell outside of Japan's EEZ (Exclusive Economic Zone). The ministry has no plans to hold a press conference or briefing following this announcement.


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