Japanese Online Learning Class.

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【東京オリンピック 自転車競技 銀メダリスト/梶原悠未】『夢をかなえる3つの方法』を伊豆の国市の子供達に伝授を英語にすると



[TEAM Yumi]


in English / Tokyo Olympic cycling silver medalist Yuuki Kajiwara teaches children in Izu no Kuni City "Three ways to make your dreams come true".

**[TEAM Yumi]**
**The Connection between Yumi Kajihara and Izu no Kuni City**

Yumi Kajihara (カジハラユウミ), along with other Japanese track cycling national team athletes, has chosen Izu Velodrome (located in Izu City, Shizuoka Prefecture) as their training base, and it is required for them to reside nearby...


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