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株式会社Yanekaraがグローバル・ブレイン主催のGlobal Brain Alliance Forum 2023にて審査員賞を受賞を英語にすると



[画像1: https://prtimes.jp/i/67381/20/resize/d67381-20-fd5bc7f6dc1e553b55c1-0.jpg ]

Global Brain Alliance Forum 2023は、スタートアップを取り巻く最先端のトレンドを知り、大企業との協業を生み出すため...

in English / The company Yanekara Co., Ltd. received the Judges' Award at the Global Brain Alliance Forum 2023, hosted by Global Brain.

Yanekara Co., Ltd.

[Image 1: https://prtimes.jp/i/67381/20/resize/d67381-20-fd5bc7f6dc1e553b55c1-0.jpg ]

The Global Brain Alliance Forum 2023 aims to understand the cutting-edge trends surrounding startups and to foster collaboration with large corporations...


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