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「餃子の王将」社長殺害事件から10年 全容解明へ捜査続く




in English

It has been 10 years since the president of the company that operates "Gyoza no Ohsho" in Kyoto was murdered. The trial of the gang leader accused of the murder and other charges for carrying out the shooting is scheduled to begin the pre-trial arrangement process to narrow down evidence and points of contention from February next year, and the police continue their investigation towards full clarification, believing that there may be an individual who directed the crime.

in Germany

It has been 10 years since the president of the company that operates "Gyoza no Osho" in Kyoto was killed. Prior to the trial of a yakuza boss, who has been charged with murder for his role in the shooting, the pre-trial procedure of narrowing down evidence and points of contention is scheduled to begin in February next year. Police continue their investigation towards fully clarifying the situation, believing that there is someone who gave instructions.


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