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「箱根駅伝に歩いて応援に行ける家賃の安い駅ランキング(神奈川編/東京編)」をLIFULL HOME'Sが発表を英語にすると



[画像1: https://prtimes.jp/i/33058/410/resize/d33058-410-c837df1a56161e68e340-1.jpg ]



in English / "LIFULL HOME'S announces the ranking of affordable rental stations where you can walk to support the Hakone Ekiden (Kanagawa edition/Tokyo edition)"

**[LIFULL Co., Ltd.]**

**[Image 1: https://prtimes.jp/i/33058/410/resize/d33058-410-c837df1a56161e68e340-1.jpg ]**

The Hakone Ekiden will reach its 100th edition in 2024! But which station has affordable rent and is within walking distance to the ekiden course for cheering on the runners?

As a traditional New Year's event on January 2nd...


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