Japanese Online Learning Class.

It provides the translation of the Japanese news. Let's Free learning Japanese.

【BS日テレ】パラトライアスロン・宇田秀生×競泳・萩野公介 パラリンピック×オリンピックメダリスト対談が実現!を英語にすると



[画像: https://prtimes.jp/i/125910/81/resize/d125910-81-6ff0cbf60fefa0c347c5-0.jpg ]


in English / [BS Nippon Television] Paratriathlon athlete Hideo Uda and competitive swimmer Kosuke Hagino, Paralympic and Olympic medalists, have a conversation!


[Image: https://prtimes.jp/i/125910/81/resize/d125910-81-6ff0cbf60fefa0c347c5-0.jpg]

**くりぃむしちゅー上田晋也** serves as the navigator for the parasports support project **"Strong Point X (Cross)"**.


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