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『水晶玉子 陰陽艶花占』URL:https://suishotamako.net/
[画像1: https://prtimes.jp/i/76132/494/resize/d76132-494-9835d5b3138f45639449-0.png ]


in English / Four Pillars of Destiny | Your Fortune and Basic Personality as Told by Crystal Gemstone

Note: The term "四柱推命" refers to a Chinese astrological practice known as Four Pillars of Destiny, while "水晶玉子" refers to crystal gemstone. This text appears to be a title or introduction to a fortune-telling or personality analysis based on these methods.

**Teresisu Network Co., Ltd.**
『Suisho Tamako: Inyo Enka Uranai』
URL: https://suishotamako.net/
**[Image 1: https://prtimes.jp/i/76132/494/resize/d76132-494-9835d5b3138f45639449-0.png ]**

■ Introduction of appraisal content
TV programs "Gogosma" "Downtown D...


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