Japanese Online Learning Class.

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[株式会社Goldratt Japan]
[画像1: https://prtimes.jp/i/55533/47/resize/d55533-47-c2ba3f1b2a1f9ac34be5-1.jpg ]


in English / The "common sense" of business that everyone believed without questioning was the biggest problem! "A profitable system that defies common sense" will be released on December 18th.

**Goldratt Japan Co., Ltd.**

**[Image 1: https://prtimes.jp/i/55533/47/resize/d55533-47-c2ba3f1b2a1f9ac34be5-1.jpg ]**

■Everyone blindly believes in the "common sense" of business. That is the biggest problem of not being profitable.

**The biggest problem with blindly believing in the "common sense" of business is...**


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