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[画像1: https://prtimes.jp/i/5725/581/resize/d5725-581-aaa95288e25e320f85bb-0.jpg ]


in English / Popular fortune teller appearing on the Fuji TV show "May I Predict Your Fortune?" predicts the fortune for 2024! "2024 Fortune Telling Special ◆ Great Fortune Teller Feature" is now available!


[Image 1: https://prtimes.jp/i/5725/581/resize/d5725-581-aaa95288e25e320f85bb-0.jpg ]

■ "2024年運勢占いスペシャル◆スゴ腕占い師大特集" is
This special feature is a large special feature on Fuji TV's "突然ですが占ってもいいですか?"...

(Note: Please replace the ellipsis with the rest of the text, as it is cut off in the original message.)


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