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[画像1: https://prtimes.jp/i/9728/1677/resize/d9728-1677-78bcb736ed5ff828b8c5-0.jpg ]

特集1. “発達障害”と決めつけていませんか? アセスメントリストや記録表2種付き


in English / The February-March issue of PriPri Palette is a special feature on "Are you not labeling it as a developmental disorder?" There are plenty of articles to help understand children from various perspectives.


[画像1: https://prtimes.jp/i/9728/1677/resize/d9728-1677-78bcb736ed5ff828b8c5-0.jpg ]

特集1. “発達障害”と決めつけていませんか?



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