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“がんの治療と仕事両立” 支援を強化 伊藤忠商事 | NHKニュースを英語にすると


As support for cancer patients of working generations becomes an issue, "ITOCHU Corporation" of a major trading company is a specialized medical institution In addition to strengthening the medical examination and treatment system in cooperation with the company, we decided to set up a system to support new treatment staff in the company and work to be able to balance work with cancer.

According to the announcement, ITOCHU Corporation ties up with the "National Cancer Center Hospital Central Hospital", and at the burden of the company, it carries out a cancer check every five years from the age of 40, It helps expenses for advanced advanced medical care as well as treatment.
We also plan to establish a system to support personnel in charge by continuing work while treating employees, even if they become cancer, by combining workers such as teleworking and short-time work, with personnel in charge for each department I will.

ITOCHU Corporation Fumihiko Kobayashi, Senior Managing Executive Officer said, "It was necessary for us to take measures as a company with 90% of the active workers who die due to illness. Even if we become cancer, everyone in our company has vitality I want to have a job done. "

With regard to support for cancer patients, we introduced a system that allows "Daiwa Securities Group Headquarters" to use paid holidays on an hourly basis for treatment, and IT giant "Yahoo" The movement to strengthen support independently, mainly by major companies, has been expanding, such as accepting duties other than that.


“がんの治療と仕事両立” 支援を強化 伊藤忠商事 | NHKニュース

“がんの治療と仕事両立” 支援を強化 伊藤忠商事 | NHKニュース の原文をチェック

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