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アメフト 日大選手「監督が “つぶせば出してやる”」を英語にすると


American football player of Nihon University tackled athlete of Kwansei Gakuin University during the game and suffered a 3 weeks injury injury Japanese athlete said at the press conference that athletes said "After practicing the day before the game, from the coach, if you ask the supervisor how to put you in the game you can crash the opponent's quarterback player with the first play I was told to give out, "I will go to crush the quarterback players so please use it." If you could not go out in the autumn when injured and the other party was injured, it was said to be getting here "I explained about the exchange the day before the game.


アメフト 日大選手「監督が “つぶせば出してやる”」

アメフト 日大選手「監督が “つぶせば出してやる”」 の原文をチェック

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