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北朝鮮の軍事偵察衛星 国連安保理 緊急会合で非難相次ぐ




in English

In response to North Korea's launch of a military reconnaissance satellite, an emergency meeting was held at the United Nations Security Council, and opinions condemning the use of ballistic missile technology as a violation of Security Council resolutions were voiced by various countries. In response, North Korea's representative protested that it was an exercise of self-defense, leading to a back-and-forth of accusations between the representative of North Korea and the United States.

in Germany

Following the launch of a military reconnaissance satellite by North Korea, an emergency meeting was held at the United Nations Security Council, and opinions condemning the launch using ballistic missile technology as a violation of Security Council resolutions were expressed by various countries. In response, the North Korean representative protested that it was an exercise of self-defense, leading to a back-and-forth of accusations with the American representative.


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