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核兵器禁止条約 締約国会議始まる 核軍縮へ機運高められるか




in English

The second treaty conference on the Nuclear Weapons Prohibition Treaty, which prohibits the development, possession, and use of nuclear weapons, has begun at the United Nations headquarters. During the opening meeting, there were repeated opinions that the current harsh global situation regarding nuclear weapons makes it necessary to discuss the abolition of nuclear weapons, and a survivor from Japan who participated in the conference appealed with a strong sense of crisis that unless nuclear weapons are eliminated, humanity may face extinction.

in Germany

The second conference of the states parties to the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, which prohibits the development, possession, and use of nuclear weapons, has started at the United Nations headquarters in Germany. During the first day of the meeting, there was a succession of opinions that the current world situation regarding nuclear weapons is becoming increasingly severe and that discussions towards nuclear abolition are necessary now more than ever. Survivors from Japan who participated in the conference expressed a strong sense of crisis, stating that unless nuclear weapons are eliminated, humanity could be at risk of extinction.


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