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日本の高品質な素材で 本場の製法そのまま再現 “ふわぁしゅぁ”食感 行列必須の大人気・台湾カステラが武蔵小金井で買える!を英語にすると



[画像1: https://prtimes.jp/i/43435/176/resize/d43435-176-ea1e729530fd975f69cc-0.jpg ]


in English / You can buy the extremely popular Taiwanese Castella cake with its original fluffy texture, made from high-quality Japanese ingredients, and using authentic production methods in Musashikoganei! It's a must-try item that often has long lines.

[BOC Japan]
[Image 1: https://prtimes.jp/i/43435/176/resize/d43435-176-ea1e729530fd975f69cc-0.jpg ]

Amid the turmoil of the coronavirus pandemic, on March 12, 2021, "Tairakudango (タイラクタンガオ)" opened at Tokyu Plaza Ginza. On the first day, Tokyo Metro Ginza...


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