Japanese Online Learning Class.

It provides the translation of the Japanese news. Let's Free learning Japanese.

「シティポップ」でDJが演出するイヤーエンド!獅子舞がヴィンテージモダンな空間を練り歩くニューイヤー!年末年始イベント 2023-2024を英語にすると



[画像1: https://prtimes.jp/i/5113/2962/resize/d5113-2962-98d36b632843e5d48764-6.png ]



in English / "Year-end event with a DJ producing in 'City Pop'! A lion dance will parade through a vintage modern space for the New Year! Year-end and New Year's events 2023-2024"

[Tokyu Hotels]
[Image 1: https://prtimes.jp/i/5113/2962/resize/d5113-2962-98d36b632843e5d48764-6.png ]

**Details here**: https://www.tokyuhotels.co.jp/stream-e/bar_dining/plan/109500/index.html

Shibuya Stream Excel...


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