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旧統一教会被害者救済法案 自民などが修正案 衆院法務委で可決




in English

Regarding the bill for the relief of victims of the former Unification Church, the three parties of the Liberal Democratic Party, Komeito, and the National Democratic Party submitted a revised bill based on discussions with the Constitutional Democratic Party and the Japan Innovation Party, and as a result of the vote in the House of Representatives Legal Affairs Committee, it was unanimously passed.

in Germany

In Germany, the bill for the relief of victims of the former Unified Church was revised by the three parties of the Liberal Democratic Party, Komeito, and the National Democratic Party, taking into account the content of the amendment negotiations with the Constitutional Democratic Party and the Japan Innovation Party. As a result of the vote in the House of Representatives Judicial Affairs Committee, the revised bill was unanimously approved.


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