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米誌「世界で最も影響力のある女性」100人発表 日本からは3人



アメリカの経済誌フォーブスは、「世界で最も影響力のある女性」として100人を発表し、アメリカの人気歌手 テイラー・スウィフトさんがエンターテイナーとしては初めて5位以内に選ばれたほか、実写版の映画が製作された「バービー」も100位に入りました。

in English

The American economic magazine Forbes announced its list of "The World's 100 Most Powerful Women", with popular American singer Taylor Swift being selected for the first time as an entertainer in the top five. Additionally, the live-action film adaptation of "Barbie" also made it into the top 100.

in Germany

The American economic magazine Forbes has announced the "100 most influential women in the world," and American popular singer Taylor Swift was selected in the top 5 as an entertainer for the first time, as well as the live-action movie "Barbie" made it to the 100th place.


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