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フィギュア 坂本花織 GPファイナル初優勝「自分に打ち勝てた」



中国 北京で行われているフィギュアスケートのグランプリファイナルは、女子シングル後半のフリーが行われ、前半で首位に立った坂本花織選手がフリーでもトップの得点をマークしてこの大会初優勝を果たしました。

in English

The Grand Prix Final of figure skating being held in Beijing, China, featured the women's singles free skate, in which Kaori Sakamoto, who had taken the lead in the first half, marked the top score in the free skate as well, securing her first victory in this competition.

in Germany

The Figure Skating Grand Prix Final, which is taking place in Beijing, China, saw the women's singles free skate event, in which Hana Kosaka, who had been in first place in the first half, marked the top score again in the free skate to secure her first victory in this competition.


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