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auなどKDDIで通信障害 西日本のエリアで午前7時すぎから




in English

According to KDDI, there have been communication outages in the western region of Japan since 7am on the 11th, which have made it difficult or impossible to use voice calls and data communication on mobile phones using their own networks such as au and UQ Mobile. KDDI is currently working to restore the network as quickly as possible and has apologized deeply for the inconvenience caused to customers.

in Germany

According to KDDI, from around 7am on the 11th, there have been communication disruptions in the western Japan area, affecting the use of voice calls and data communication on mobile phones using their own lines, such as au and UQ Mobile. KDDI is urgently working on restoration, and has commented, "We deeply apologize for causing our customers significant inconvenience."


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