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咽頭結膜熱 7週連続で「過去10年最多」溶連菌感染症も最多更新




in English

The number of patients with acute pharyngoconjunctival fever, which continues to spread, has increased even further in the week until December 3, with a focus on children, continuing the highest situation in the past 10 years for the 7th consecutive week. In addition, a type of Streptococcal infection also continues to have the highest number of cases in the past 10 years, and experts are urging people to rest their bodies without overdoing it, even though the symptoms are mild.

in Germany

In Germany, the number of patients with pharyngoconjunctival fever, which continues to spread, increased even further from the previous week and has been at its highest level in the past 10 years for 7 consecutive weeks until December 3. In addition, the number of cases of "streptococcal infection" is also at its highest level in the past 10 years, and experts are advising people to rest and not push themselves, even if the symptoms are mild.


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