Japanese Online Learning Class.

It provides the translation of the Japanese news. Let's Free learning Japanese.




[画像1: https://prtimes.jp/i/35358/49/resize/d35358-49-e022a9da384afad86089-0.jpg ]

そんな 2 つをもっと楽しんでもらいたいという思いから、デザイ...

in English / Collaboration between "Midori" and "Bread and Espresso"!

[Nichi to Nito Co., Ltd]
[Image 1: https://prtimes.jp/i/35358/49/resize/d35358-49-e022a9da384afad86089-0.jpg ]

We want to bring more enjoyment to the two things that gently accompany our lives - "coffee" and "stationery".
With that in mind, we have designed...


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