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中年ウサギが大活躍!?新作ゲーム『Rusty Rabbit』のX/TikTok公式アカウントを開設さらに開発の裏側や魅力をお届けする情報番組も配信!を英語にすると



[NetEase Interactive Entertainment Pte. Ltd]
[画像1: https://prtimes.jp/i/71247/337/resize/d71247-337-398892c24ef18cc5fd98-0.png ]

『荒野行動』や『Identity V第五人格』などのゲームタイトルの開発・運営を手掛けるNetEase Gamesは、

in English / Middle-aged rabbit playing a major role!? The official X/TikTok account for the new game "Rusty Rabbit" has been opened, and an information program delivering behind-the-scenes development and charm is also being broadcast!

[NetEase Interactive Entertainment Pte. Ltd]

[Image 1: https://prtimes.jp/i/71247/337/resize/d71247-337-398892c24ef18cc5fd98-0.png]

NetEase Games, the developer and operator of game titles such as "Rules of Survival" and "Identity V", has announced that on December 15, 2023...


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