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福岡 宮若市議会 市長のパワハラ疑惑で辞職勧告決議 可決




in English

In the issue where there were repeated allegations of harassment by multiple city employees against Mayor Hidetoshi Shiokawa of Miyawaka City, Fukuoka Prefecture, the Miyawaka City Council approved a resolution recommending the mayor's resignation with a majority vote, stating that he "lacks qualities as a leader." Mayor Shiokawa stated at a press conference that he "is not considering resignation at this time."

in Germany

The Mayor Hidetoshi Shiokawa of Miyawaka City in Fukuoka Prefecture is said to have repeatedly made remarks that raised suspicions of harassment towards several city officials. In response to this issue, the Miyawaka City Council passed a resolution advising the mayor to resign, stating that he lacks the qualities of a leader, with a majority of votes in favor. Mayor Shiokawa stated in a press conference that he is not considering resignation at this time.


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