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[画像1: https://prtimes.jp/i/5725/577/resize/d5725-577-c91a6d724efe20839987-0.jpg ]

■「8万人に愛される“Yoko Reading”【明解◆超現実主義タロット占い】」とは

in English / "Realism Tarot," supervised by Yoko, who fascinates many people with her astonishing accuracy, has begun offering a new fortune-telling content!


[Image 1: https://prtimes.jp/i/5725/577/resize/d5725-577-c91a6d724efe20839987-0.jpg ]

■ "Yoko Reading: Tarot Reading Loved by 80,000 People"
This content offers a simple yet profound form of tarot reading that is loved by 80,000 people.


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