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京都の「心霊スポット」で恐喝か ユーチューバーら3人を逮捕




in English

Three YouTubers from Osaka have been arrested for extorting 1.2 million yen in cash from a man and a woman in their 20s who entered the abandoned hotel in Kasagi-cho, Kyoto Prefecture, known as a "spiritual spot," while saying "this is trespassing and we are filming." According to the investigation, two of them have denied the allegations.

in Germany

In the abandoned hotel in Kasaichi-cho, Kyoto Prefecture, known as a "spiritual spot," three YouTubers from Osaka were arrested for extorting 1.2 million yen in cash from a man and woman in their 20s who had entered the building, saying "This is trespassing. We are filming." Two of them have denied the allegations during the investigation.


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