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高校生など扶養控除引き下げ案 児童手当増額が上回る政府与党




in English

In the next year's tax system revision, the treatment of dependent deductions will be the focus due to the expansion of the target for child allowance. The government and ruling party have decided to proceed with the consideration of a proposal to reduce the income tax deduction for parents supporting high school students from the current annual 380,000 yen to 250,000 yen. They claim that even with a reduction in deductions, the increase in child allowance will exceed the amount for all income brackets, taking into account the burden of education expenses.

in Germany

In the upcoming tax reform in Germany, the focus will be on the treatment of dependent deductions due to the expansion of child benefits. The government and ruling party are considering a proposal to reduce the income tax deduction for parents supporting high school students from the current annual 380,000 yen to 250,000 yen. They argue that despite reducing the deduction, the increase in child benefits will outweigh the burden of educational expenses for all income levels.


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