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校則公表の公立高校6割に 行き過ぎた校則問題めぐり NHK調査




in English

In response to the problem of excessive school regulations, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology revised its guidelines to constantly review school regulations and made them public for at least 60% of public high schools nationwide, according to a survey by NHK. However, only 10-30% of schools are explicitly stating the reasons for their regulations or involving students in the review process, leading experts to point out a "polarization between schools."

in Germany

In response to the issue of excessive school regulations, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology revised its guidelines for schools to constantly review and publish their regulations for one year. A survey by NHK found that at least 60% of public high schools nationwide have published their regulations on their websites. However, only 10-30% of schools explicitly stating the reasons for their regulations and involving students in the review process, prompting experts to point out that there is a polarization between schools.


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