Japanese Online Learning Class.

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【ポスト投函されたチラシ全部見る?】48.3%が「興味が無くても一応見る」 その理由とは?を英語にすると



[画像1: https://prtimes.jp/i/44800/1015/resize/d44800-1015-d789ed75f109970ec260-0.png ]


in English / "Would you look at all the flyers that were posted in the mailbox?" 48.3% say "I'll look at them even if I'm not interested." What's the reason for this?

**[NEXER Corporation]**
**[Image 1: https://prtimes.jp/i/44800/1015/resize/d44800-1015-d789ed75f109970ec260-0.png ]**

■What happens to the flyers posted in your mailbox?
**Flyer distribution** is an easy way to advertise information about nearby stores and services.


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