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国連安保理 ガザ地区への人道支援拡大決議案を採択 米ロが棄権




in English

A resolution to expand humanitarian assistance to the Gaza Strip in Palestine was passed at the United Nations Security Council shortly after 2 am Japan time on the 23rd. Out of the 15 countries, 13, including Japan, the UK, and France, voted in favor, while the United States and Russia abstained, and the resolution was adopted. This is the second resolution to be adopted by the UN Security Council aimed at resolving the situation since the beginning of the military conflict between the Israeli army and the Hamas Islamic organization last month, following a similar resolution on the 15th.

in Germany

At the United Nations Security Council, a resolution to expand humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip in Palestine was adopted on the morning of the 23rd of Japan time, with 13 countries including Japan, the United Kingdom, and France in favor and the United States and Russia abstaining. This is the second resolution aimed at resolving the situation in the UN Security Council since the beginning of the military conflict between the Israeli military and the Hamas militant group, following a similar resolution on the 15th of last month.


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