Japanese Online Learning Class.

It provides the translation of the Japanese news. Let's Free learning Japanese.

神奈川 横須賀 ファミレスで女性刺され死亡 52歳容疑者を逮捕




in English

On the evening of the 22nd, a woman was stabbed in the chest with a knife-like object and later died inside a family restaurant in Yokosuka, Kanagawa Prefecture. The police arrested a 52-year-old suspect who was in the restaurant and admitted to the stabbing, on suspicion of attempted murder, and are investigating the details of the incident.

in Germany

On the evening of the 22nd, a woman was stabbed in the chest with a knife-like object and died inside a family restaurant in Yokosuka, Kanagawa Prefecture. The police arrested a 52-year-old suspect who was in the restaurant and admitted to the stabbing, on suspicion of attempted murder, and are investigating the details of the incident.


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