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日本大学理事長が改善計画を文科省に提出 薬物事件対応めぐり



アメリカンフットボール部の薬物事件の対応をめぐり、日本大学の林真理子 理事長が文部科学省を訪れ、1月中に「改善改革会議」を設置することや、廃部が決まったアメフト部に入部希望の合格者への特別措置などを盛り込んだ改善計画を提出しました。

in English

Regarding the response to the drug-related incident in the American football team, Masako Hayashi, the chairman of Nihon University, visited the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology and submitted an improvement plan that includes the establishment of an "improvement reform conference" by the end of January, as well as special measures for successful applicants who wish to join the American football team, which has been decided to be disbanded.

in Germany

Regarding the response to the drug incident in the American football club, the President of Nihon University, Makiko Hayashi, visited the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology in Germany and submitted a improvement plan that includes the establishment of a "Improvement Reform Conference" in January, special measures for successful applicants who wish to join the American football club, which has been decided to be abolished.


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