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自民 石破氏 派閥の政治資金問題 “法体系の見直し議論を”




in English

In response to the issue surrounding political funding parties of the factions within the Liberal Democratic Party, former Secretary-General of the party, Shigeru Ishiba, has positioned political reform as one of the themes for the next regular session of the national parliament and indicated the need to discuss a review of the legal system including the Political Funds Control Law.

in Germany

In response to the issue surrounding the political funding parties of the factions within the Liberal Democratic Party, former Secretary-General of the Liberal Democratic Party, Shigeru Ishiba, expressed the idea that political reform should be positioned as one of the themes for the next regular session of the National Diet next year, and that there is a need to discuss the review of the legal system, including the Political Funds Control Act.


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