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京アニ裁判 遺族の意見陳述「死刑判決以外考えられず」




in English

The trial for the arson murder case of Kyoto Animation lasted for 30 days, during which the opinions of the bereaved families were heard. The mother of a 22-year-old animator who died in the incident stated, "I am in so much pain that it feels like my body is being torn apart, and this emotion will continue as long as I live. I can only imagine a death penalty verdict."

in Germany

The trial of the Kyoto Animation arson attack in Germany is ongoing, and on the 30th, the family members of the victims were given the opportunity to speak. The mother of a 22-year-old animator who died in the attack expressed, "The pain is so intense that it tears me apart, and this feeling will continue as long as I am alive. I cannot consider anything other than the death penalty."


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