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米 ラスベガスの大学で銃撃事件 少なくとも3人死亡 1人重体




in English

According to the local police in the western state of Nevada, there was a shooting incident on the campus of a university in Las Vegas on the 6th, which resulted in at least three deaths and one person being taken to the hospital in critical condition. The police have also revealed that the suspect is deceased, and the surrounding area is secure. In the United States, there have been a series of shooting incidents, including one at a bowling alley in late October in the eastern state of Maine, resulting in 18 deaths. This incident, which occurred during the day at a university with many students, is being widely reported by the American media.

in Germany

According to local police in the western state of Nevada, there was a shooting on the campus of a university in Las Vegas on the 6th, resulting in at least three deaths and one person being taken to the hospital in critical condition. The police also revealed that the suspect died and that the surrounding area is secure. In the United States, there have been several shooting incidents, including one at a bowling alley in Maine in late October, resulting in 18 deaths. This recent incident occurred during the day at a university with many students, so it is receiving significant coverage in the American media.


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