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〈総合型選抜入試専門塾 おすすめ〉EQAOの合格率94.55%。質の高い講師陣、安心の授業料を保証します。卒塾生からの声も公開!オンラインコース受け入れ開始!全国どこからでも受講できる推薦入試塾です。を英語にすると



[画像1: https://prtimes.jp/i/118323/41/resize/d118323-41-c51f202db2ab99c576ca-2.png ]


in English / "Comprehensive selection test specialized cram school recommendation. EQAO pass rate 94.55%. We guarantee high-quality instructors and affordable tuition fees. Testimonials from graduates are also available. We also offer online courses. This is a recommended entrance exam cram school that can be taken from anywhere in the country."


**[Image 1: https://prtimes.jp/i/118323/41/resize/d118323-41-c51f202db2ab99c576ca-2.png ]**

Many students and parents recommend the comprehensive selection test specialized cram school EQAO, which specializes in difficult private university's comprehensive selection and school recommendation selection test...


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